The art of being offended ... but not feeling offended … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

The art of being offended ... but not feeling offended … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

Blog Article

I wanted to rent a house, which was in a residential complex ... where they had also a swimming pool and a bar ... so i placed an ad over the internet.

It was quite a nice house ... with a correct price ... and of course i rented it, but i accidentally forgot to delete the ad.

The second day, a guy was contacted me offering a price ... similar to the price of a studio from the basement ... but instead of feeling offended by his offer ... as i usually do ... i remembered that i already rented the house and that i should have some fun chatting with this annoying person.

I looked on his own ads from that site and i found out that he was selling a piano with 10.000 euros ... so i wrote him back:

“I’m sorry sir! I already rented the house.

But listen ... i don’t know almost anything about music and i am looking for a piano similar with the one you are selling. The only problem is that i just have a budget of 500 euros.

It does not need to work ... cause i don’t know to play piano anyway .... so should make no relevance if is a good piano or not.

I just buy it for the design.

Nothing more.”


Being visible annoyed ... the guy totally forgot about the renting and replied to me:

“Listen that is an unique piano ... that you can’t find in our country ... and neither in the whole Europe.

It’s a special object.

I don’t think you know what you are talking about ... offering me 500 euros on it”.

I smile ... being happy cause i annoyed him ... and reply again:

“Well ... i told you i don’t know anything about music ... when i made the offer, but i don’t remember you said to me that you are a real estate expert and you can consider that my house ... that has a swimming pool 20 meters from it ... worth the smallest price for rent from this country.

But anyway ... since we had the chance to meet and i already rented the house, but you still have the piano ... and i want it ... in case you re evaluate my offer .... you can call me anytime”.

So ... was i acting in an ugly way?!

Or i replied in a nice way to a ... jerk?!

I’m smiling ... cause i know that if you’d have the chance to talk with the guy ... would tell you that i am a jerk that i offended him and his unique piano ... and i would tell you the same about him ... cause he offended me offering a very low price for my house.

Maybe a wise person ... should define both of us as ... 2 funny jerks ... but at least, even if i am not considering myself wise .... i learnt from my interactions with so many people from my timeline of life ... the art of being offended and not feeling offended.


Download the book ”My relationship with the devil redefined my lifewritten by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.


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